Adding a Splash of Joy, Healing, and Empowerment to Solsies!
Solsties, a haven of herbal remedies and flower essences, caught my heart as a master herbalist. 💚
After a chat with Karen, the visionary behind it all, we teamed up to illustrate Australian Bush Remedies that fueled her journey.
These drawings now breathe life into the thriving business that is Solsies.
#HealingArtistry #FlourishingDreams #SolstiesMagic
A Collective Decision: Empowering Botanical Illustrations of Plants That Fueled Her Business Journey!
The seeds of inspiration were sown when we chose to craft empowering botanical drawings. Each stroke captured the essence of plants that had nurtured Karen’s vision, helping her business blossom and flourish. 🌸
#EmpoweringArtistry #NurturedGrowth #BusinessBlossom
The Blend of White and Coral Pink Line Art Brings Empowering Energy to Her Shop!
Together, we opted for the fusion of white and lively coral pink in line drawings. This harmonious marriage added a vibrant, empowering essence to Karen’s shop, a true reflection of her vision.
#EmpowermentFusion #ShopEnergized #ColorfulEmpowerment”