The Willow Connection

The Willow Connection: A Humble Creation for Biodiversity. Born for ‘Biodiversiteit Nieuwenhoven 2014,’ this artwork features a series of living willow baskets.


These baskets don’t just exist, they actively purify the water around them, thanks to the natural healing properties of willow. It’s a beautiful fusion of herbal wisdom and phytoremediation, brought to life.


Herbalism and Phytoremediation combined.

The Willow Project The Willow Project The Willow Project The Willow Project The Willow Project The Willow Project The Willow Project The Willow Project The Willow Project The Willow Project The Willow Project

The Willow Project by Nathalie Hunter

They draw nourishment from the water, while also breaking down complex chemicals and hormones.


As they purify the water, the biodiversity within and around the lake flourishes.


This transformation benefits both flora and fauna.

Ultimately, the ecosystem gains strength and heightened resilience.


The ecosystem will become stronger and more resilient.

The Willow Project by Nathalie Hunter

Introducing the Willow Connection Installation in its pond.

This water purification system, a cornerstone of Permaculture design systems, finds its embodiment here as a captivating art installation.