“Togetherness” is a heartwarming project that I created for Rikolto. Set in the bustling kitchen for the city of Antwerp, the idea was simple yet profoundly touching. Everyone was encouraged to reflect on a person who inspired them when it came to the idea of a nourishing meal – be it the farmer who grew their onions or their beloved grandma.
Each person wrote the name of their inspirational figure on the restaurant window, creating a beautiful web of connections that was further illustrated through a painting. It’s a celebration of the human connections that nourish us in more ways than one. 🍽️🎨💞 #NourishingConnections #InspirationalFigures #ArtOfTogetherness
Biodegradable balloons, buoyed by helium and each containing a couple of sunflower seeds, graced the entrance of the restaurant. Attached to each balloon was a card that elaborated on the project and expressed the wish for those sunflower seeds to blossom into vibrant sunflowers. It’s a beautiful symbol of growth, sustainability, and hope. 🌻🎈💚 #BalloonOfGrowth #SustainableWishes #BlossomingSeeds