Watou: Radiance

Radiance emerged from walks with locals and ancient ceramics from the nearby Lille(F).

Inspired by Bruno Latour’s “Nous n’avons jamais été modernes.” Sometimes we are archaic, sometimes we are futuristic. 

What is the link with the surroundings?

I dug local clay and started to work with it, understand its stubborn nature.

Simultaneously I also made drawings inspired by the walks and the faience from Lille.

Kunstenfestival Watou Radiance Kunstenfestival Watou Radiance Kunstenfestival Watou Radiance Kunstenfestival Watou Radiance Kunstenfestival Watou Radiance Kunstenfestival Watou Radiance

Nathalie Hunter- Radiance

The ancient traditional decorations from Lille started to merge with contemporary drawing. Creating new possibilities. Telling stories of connectedness. Humans as part of nature, just like plants and minerals. 

Marije Langelaar wrote amazing poems for the piece and together we are stronger 😉

Croisillons, archaic ceramic decorations, found a friendship with the local hops growing in big poles in Watou.

As we float in the water, we feel our inner connection with nature, with our deep nature. This grounding into the abundance of nature.